Another important field of welfare work undertaken by the Centre is its health programme, which benefits not only the refugees of the Centre but hundreds of surrounding local people.  The hospital was established in 1961 through the American Relief Services.  It has grown from a small infirmary to a 20 bedded hospital today staffed by a well-qualified and highly experienced doctor, two nurses, an overseas volunteer and some helpers.

Every year, thousands of patients are treated in the Infirmary. Apart from normal consultation and treatment, the Hospital also carries out blood test and grouping, screening for TB and follow-up medication and care, vaccinations, pre and post natal care, home visits to patients and old people too weak to come to the hospital etc.  The overwhelming majority of those who avail of the medical facilities themselves are very poor.  But for the services provided by the Centre, they might have had to go without any medical care.

In spite of the loyal services of our medical programme we are seriously faced with the possibility of closing or at least drastically cutting down the programme.  It is nearly 50 years since the original organization, AECTR largely responsible for financing the programmes had ceased to exist and none of the other relief organisations engaged in Tibetan projects are in a position to take its place. The Centre’s consistent policy of issuing heavily subsidized and free medicines including consultation to all its patients is a big drain on its resources and finances.

We therefore welcome contributions in whatever form for our  hospital such as medicines, equipment or cash so that we can continue this humanitarian service not only for our people, but to the locally deprived people who live in and around Darjeeling. 

                               X’RAY  CLINIC &  


With the establishment of a pathological laboratory and X-Ray Clinic in the office premises, the Centre’s medical services were greatly enhanced. This expansion was warranted out of the need to provide a more professional touch to the growing clientele of people needing immediate and personalized attention. Also, the need was felt for a well equipped laboratory investigation unit. Our x-ray clinic consisting of a small unit along with the requisite generator was set up by a grant given to us by the government of West Bengal through the Hill Affairs Branch Secretariat, Darjeeling.

The Laboratory and clinic have proven a great success and a boon to the local people. It is entirely staffed by trained personnel who have  graduated from the Cochin School of Paramedicals  in South India. We have been regularly sending batches of students for  this one year intensive training course after which they are absorbed in our Clinics often filling the vacancies left by senior colleagues who have left of their own accord. Without doubt, both ventures are running successfully.


                                                                                       DENTAL CLINIC                                                                                     A more recent addition to the Centre has been the dental clinic, opened in October 2000.  It is also based within the head office complex in town and treats people from the Centre and surrounding communities in and around Darjeeling.  It has a full range of dental equipment at its disposal.  This unit was set up from the Centre’s internal resources as a natural complement of services            already on offer. The venture was also partly aided by Dr. Simon Idelman of France.    So far we have had 9 French dentists working for short stints voluntarily mostly arranged for by Chagpori, France. We thank Dr. Idelman and all the French doctors who have made special efforts to volunteer their time and money to work in our Clinic. Not only the members of the Centre but the general public at large have benefited from their skillful hands. At the same time we hope that more dentists from France and other countries will continue to devote their time and impart their skill to our apprentices. In the long term, we intend to send seriously dedicated students for further apprenticeships in dentistry.  These steps would ensure the continuance of   services to the patients long after the doctors have left.

Future plans for the clinic include allied services and expansion but at the moment we are still integrating the clinic into the facilities provided by the Centre. Once all the activities are streamlined, we hope to provide a complete dental package that will be the envy of Darjeeling.



In order to generate more income and as part of its policy of adapting to the times, the Centre has diversified its activities and started a new offset printing press in town.  The printing unit was started with one Heidelberg T-Offset machine with the later addition of  one bigger Heidelberg GTO 52 machine along with Printing Down Frame, latest computer equipment for desktop publishing, state of the art German cutting  and book binding machines, stitching machine and other accessories.  Since its beginning in 1994, the jobs have included printing of letter heads, circulars, certificates, text books, invitation cards, coloured calendars, magazines, flyers etc.

It is managed and run by the Centre’s own personnel who have been trained at the press and have hands-on knowledge of   the whole printing sequence.  The operation has so far been successful in meeting the printing needs of Darjeeling and at the same time, opens an avenue for a career in this field.  As a community service, we also print a bi-lingual   newsletter detailing news and events concerning Tibet and the Tibetan diaspora.

We are proud to mention here that with the introduction of the   T-offset and GTO Heidelberg Printing machines in Darjeeling, we have pioneered into uncharted territory by introducing the               hitherto unknown concept of Quick Print Jobs, large quantities of printing at high speeds, high quality colour jobs etc. The success of this venture can be gauged by the fact that apart from satisfied and repeat customers, we regularly receive jobs from other printing presses and DTP units as well, based in and around Darjeeling.


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